Chicken hack

It is unlikely that any of you will ever find yourselves in possession of boneless, skinless chicken breasts, because you are not monsters. But sometimes things happen. You desperately need chicken to make salads for the week but the store is out of both rotisserie chicken AND chicken thighs, and it’s 9pm and you don’t have time to roast a whole chicken. WHAT TO DO? Perhaps you would buy a pork chop, or a flank steak, or a salmon. But I? I bought the breasts.

I Googled some version of “is there any way to cook chicken breasts without turning them into horrible avian husks” and found these directions on the Kitchn. The technique looked sound (low, slow, and plenty of moisture), so I gave it a try.

Result: EDIBLE chicken breasts! Not transcendent and certainly not as good as thighs, but absolutely acceptable in a salad. So the next time your store is out of real chicken (what the fuck, Giant?) then I wholeheartedly recommend this workaround.


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2015, you’ve been a nuts year. We bought a car, moved to Boston, I started a new job, and I began incubating a baby. Our cat got diabetes, then miraculously recovered from having diabetes, costing us lots of money in the process. Cats,... Continue →